by Peaceful Warrior
“James Redfield, Eckhart Tolle, Mandy Peterson and many other authors have been writing about these issues for such a large part of the past several decades with the aim of waking people up gradually into a new world. One that has been created by blindness and greed. The reason they have been attempting to wake people is certainly not to manipulate them further. But it does seem clear that these rather small groups of people have done so out of concern for the welfare of the greater number of their human family. Of course no-one likes to be waken in a violent and scary fashion. A cold bucket of water thrown over you might cause you a heart attack, but a slow gentle shaking will do no harm whatsoever.
“Though this has been going on for some time, it would appear to certain observers that the result has been lethargic from the people waken from this preoccupation with materialism/things/resources. We are still using energy sources at rates that are unsustainable. Why even a week or so ago here in the United Kingdom, energy companies were reporting strategies that would stop private users demanding so much supply during the week, when manufacturers needed that power for industry. They were being encouraged (the private household consumer) to use supply at the weekends rather than at other times.”
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