A few years ago I experimented with using EFT on a list of individuals whom I would send remote healing too on a weekly basis. Some of the individuals on the list were depressed and had what is termed “Massive Psychological Reversal (PR).” This is a condition where a person is chronically blocked. Most times, individuals with Massive PR will feel blocked when it comes to healing until they can address an underlying issue of lack of self-love and/or self-acceptance. So, for my list of individuals who desired remote healing, what I ended up experimenting with was tapping one round of EFT on each of the main psychological reversals (see the article on psychological reversals here >> for more information).
The results were pretty incredible. I had many people offer me feedback expressing how much better they felt, that they felt real shifts, or that they felt so much lighter and less depression or obsessed. If you want to do this for yourself, simply focus on tapping one round of tapping on each of the main tapping statements below (you can also follow this YouTube video):
- “I deserve to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “It is safe for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “It is safe for others if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “I am willing to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “It is possible” for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “I allow” myself to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “I will benefit” if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- Others will benefit” if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “I have what it takes to make life work if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- “I don’t have to feel deprived if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- I don’t have to lose my identity if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- Even if I never deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations, it is okay because God (or my higher self, the universe etc.) does.”
- “I am ready to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
- Then tap the main affirmation of “I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.”
For how to perform EFT, see the article at http://mysticmandy.com/what-is-eft/ Below are the tapping points:
Because the above exercise can take 15 – 35 minutes (depending if you embellish and your speed), I also provide a more condensed—but embellished—version of this tapping exercise below.
Round 1
Side of the Hand: I don’t need to hang onto any feelings of shame. I don’t have to feel unworthy or not good enough. Those emotions hurt so badly and I never deserved to live in that kind of pain. I always deserved to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, regardless of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: I don’t need to hang onto any feelings of guilt or remorse anymore; especially where I haven’t even done anything wrong. I don’t have to feel guilty or not good enough just for being myself. I don’t have to need others approval to love myself. Others will benefit if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: It doesn’t have to feel unsafe for me to love myself. I don’t have to think something bad will happen to me if I accept myself as I am and feel good enough. I can trust that it is safe for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, regardless of my weaknesses and limitations.
Top of Head: I feel all the shame that I have been carrying around begin to away. I deserve to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: I feel all of the hurt and pain of being not good begin to fade away. I always deserved to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Eye: I feel the hurt and the fear of not being good enough begin to fade away. I don’t need that hurt and pain anymore. I always deserved to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses, mistakes, fears or limitations.
Under the Eye: I feel all of the guilt that I have been carrying around drop off me now. It is safe for others if I let that guilt go. Letting go does not mean I will become mean or hurtful. It is safe for others if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under the Nose: I feel all my worry drop off me now; worry that I was not good enough for others, that I was a disappointment in some way or that I would be rejected for being who I am. Others benefit if I can replace these worries with compassion for myself. Others will benefit if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Chin point: I feel all fear of being myself begin to fade away. I feel all that fear being replaced with warmth and compassion for myself. I can trust that it has always been safe for me to deeply love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses, fears and limitations.
Collar Bone Point: I feel all my fears of being loved and accepted begin to fade away. I don’t need to be protected from being loved anymore. It is okay to make mistakes, to be rejected, to not be perfect. It is always safe for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under the Arm: It is safe to give and receive love, and to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Round 2
Side of the Hand: I don’t have to feel hopeless anymore or that I can’t heal this issue. I don’t have to feel doomed to forever carry pain and fear when it comes to loving myself. It is possible for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: It is not hopeless to think that I can completely love and accept myself. I do not have to feel depressed about life in this way. I can create a new identity for myself where I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses, emotions and imperfections.
Side of the Hand: And, even if I never deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my imperfections, this is okay, too. I know that God and the universe unconditionally love me no matter who I am or what I do.
Top of Head: I feel all my beliefs that it is not possible to completely love myself begin to fade away. I feel these beliefs being replaced with beliefs in my own worthiness. I know that it is possible for me to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: I visualize that all of my worries that I will never feel completely whole and accepted drop off me now. I no longer have to believe that I will never deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.
Side of the Eye: It has always been possible to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself; regardless of any weaknesses and limitations. I visualize that all my doubts are fading away now.
Under the Eye: I don’t have to believe that I will never deeply and profoundly love and accept myself. I visualize that any such negative beliefs begin to drop one by one from my energy field. Such beliefs are replaced with new ones that honor my new sense of self-esteem.
Under the Nose: I will still know who I am if an old unloving identity disappears and is replaced with one of profound self-love and self-acceptance.
Chin point: I visualize myself standing tall and confident. All past identities of shame, guilt or feeling not good enough drop off my energy field now. I stand in a new energy and new identity where I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, imperfections and all!
Collar Bone Point: I visualize that my own self-love is filling up my energy field. My energy field expands out with that love to share it with the world. This is my new identity, and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under the Arm: I keep allowing love to fill up my energy field, and I keep radiating that love outward. I have a new identity where I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself not matter what weaknesses or imperfections that I may think I have.
Round 3
Side of the Hand: Even if part of me is still not allowing myself to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all my weaknesses and limitations, this is okay. God/the Universe deeply and profoundly loves and accepts me with all my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: Even if part of me is still not ready to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself [and to let go of any shame or guilt I have felt for not being good enough], this is okay too. God deeply and profoundly loves and accepts me with all my weaknesses, guilt, shame and limitations.
Side of the Hand: Even if part of me is still not willing to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, because it might feel too hard or difficult, this is okay. God deeply and profoundly love and accepts me with all my weaknesses, lack of belief in myself and limitations.
Top of Head: I visualize that all resistance to loving myself begins to fade away now. It drops off my energy field, so that I can allow myself to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: I visualize that all past conditioning or memories that told me I shouldn’t love myself begin to fade away now. I now allow myself to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, regardless of my imperfections.
Side of the Eye: I am ready to be free of all frequencies, blueprints, imprints, causes and memories that blocked me from deeply and profoundly loving myself. I don’t need to hang onto any of this energetic baggage anymore.
Under the Eye: I now allow myself to be free of all frequencies, blueprints, imprints, causes and memories that blocked me from deeply and profoundly loving myself. I don’t need to hang onto any of this energetic baggage anymore.
Under the Nose: I am willing to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations. It doesn’t have to be hard or difficult.
Chin point: I choose to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations. I make this choice easily and effortlessly.
Collar Bone Point: I feel my whole body and energy field respond to the power of this choice. I feel strong. I feel confident and fully willing to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under the Arm: While this is a new type of way for me to feel about myself, I am ready and I am making a choice to deeply and profoundly love and accept myself, regardless of any perceived weaknesses or limitations, and regardless of anyone else’s opinion or mood.
Round 4
Side of the Hand: I don’t have to hang onto all the benefits or rewards I receive from feeling small, guilty, ashamed or not good enough. I can benefit if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself regardless of any imperfections.
Side of the Hand: I don’t have to feel unworthy or ‘less than’ others for any reason. Others WILL benefit if I can deeply and profoundly love and accept myself; regardless of what others perceive to be my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: I can make my life work if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with any perceived weaknesses and limitations.
Top of Head: I and others fully benefit if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: I visualize that any benefit that I receive from refusing to love and accept myself is disappearing now. Any energetic contracts that I created to keep me stuck in never feeling good enough are falling apart.
Side of the Eye: I visualize that any desire within me to withhold love from myself based on another person’s opinion of me is dropping off my energy field now. It is no longer resonates with my new and self-loving vibration.
Under the Eye: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself regardless of any weaknesses, imperfections or any need for another person’s approval. I don’t need the approval of others in order to love myself.
Under the Nose: I fully benefit if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations. I feel my energy field fill up with self-love, and I direct that love in an unconditional manner toward all parts of myself.
Chin point: I also allow myself to set loving boundaries that allow me to love both myself and others with all of our human weaknesses and limitations.
Collar Bone Point: I can make my life work if I unconditionally love and accept myself and others regardless of our weaknesses or limitations.
Under the Arm: I can make my life work if I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself and others with all of our weaknesses and limitations.
Round 5
Side of the Hand: I no longer need to feel blocked when it comes to profoundly loving and accepting myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: I let go of any addiction to drama, fear, or negative emotions. I no longer need to feel deprived of any of these things if I should deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of the Hand: I can permanently be free of blocks to deeply and profoundly loving and accepting myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Top of Head: My love for myself is unconditional. I feel this through every fiber of my being. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: Anything that has blocked me from experiencing unconditional love for myself is fading away now. It no longer needs to take up space within my energy field. I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself now.
Side of the Eye: I visualize that all frequencies, blueprints, imprints, memories or causes linked to any lack of self-love are disappearing now. They no longer have a place in my energy field because I deeply and unconditionally love and accept myself now.
Under the Eye: I visualize what it is like for this feeling of unconditional love to be permanent. I keep tapping while I let my mind visualize this now.
Under the Nose: I am ready for this unconditional love and acceptance for myself to be permanent.
Chin point: I allow for this unconditional love and acceptance for myself to be permanent.
Collar Bone Point: I can make my life work if this unconditional love and acceptance for myself is permanent.
Under the Arm: I don’t have to feel deprived in any way if this love and acceptance of myself is permanent.
Final Round (Optional)
Top of Head: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Eyebrow Point: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Side of Eye: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under Eye: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under Nose: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Chin Point: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Collar Bone Point: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
Under Arm: I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself with all of my weaknesses and limitations.
If you still feel blocked, you can try using the online EFT Divination and Chakra Deck to draw a card for what is most blocking progress (located at http://www.love-light-healing.com/decks/).
If you feel nothing is working, it may help to work with myself or another EFT practitioner who may be able to help you to tap trough angles or issues that you might not think of.