Make Your Own EFT Muscle Testing Deck

With business card punch out card stock that you can buy at any stationary store, you can make your own EFT Oracle Deck and say good-bye to muscle-testing.

Muscle Testing – Yes/No – Finger Method

Muscle testing is a way to use the body as a tool to connect with it’s innate wisdom to obtain “yes” and “no” answers to questions related to healing. My first time trying it, I found it less complicated and quicker to use then a pendulum. Though pendulums are better with charts for other forms of testing. If not comfortable with muscle testing or other “energy methods,” I have developed a divination deck that clients can use in place of these techniques. See here for how to make your own deck >>. See here for a deck that you can purchase>>.

Sensing the Energy Field and Its Blocks

The main basic states of imbalance that a person may suffer from include blocked chakras; leaks, tears, and holes; negative cords & attachments; energy depletion; disturbances in the energy flow; and overactive and underactive chakras. Five techniques that one can use to detect issues in the energy field include muscle testing (aka applied kinesiology), pendulum, physical sensing using the hands (called “passing-of-hands”), sensing the condition of the aura and chakras through the reception of psychic information and guidance, and viewing the aura.

Standing Muscle Testing And Neurological Disorganization Correction

It is not always easy to accurately muscle test oneself if one has an attachment to the outcome. If you feel your ego will get in the way you can try using other forms of divination to get a yes or no response. If progress using EFT or other Energy Medicine Techniques is slow or you feel inhibited from accurate muscle testing, you may also wish to try some Energy Medicine correction exercises and try again. A condition called “switching” (polarity switching) can affect muscle testing as can a condition called “neurological disorganization”. This occurs when there is too much energy in your system making you feel overcharged, ADD or scattered…

What is Psychological Reversal?

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t get over a certain habit or issue? You could be suffering from polarity reversals. In EFT lingo, this is called “psychological reversal.”