Do you want to know how to boost your intuition? If not, perhaps you should. Intuitive insights can provide valuable information.

The Sky BridgeStacey, for instance, felt the urge not to take a shortcut home one evening. The following day, she learned that a woman who traveled the same route that night and had been attacked. Listen to your intuition, and you might glean data that improves or even saves your life, but how can you go about doing so?

Initially, Stacey described her sense of intuition as “fear accompanied by discomfort in her stomach.” However, looking back, she recalled an image flashed through her mind. The depiction was a poorly lit alley, the type, Stacey mentioned, “Where people get attacked in movies.” She was confused, though, since there was no alley in the shortcut.

Most likely, Stacey’s preconscious mind presented a picture of a dark alley because she could instantly connect it with foreboding, and her instincts told her she was in danger. Your preconscious mind displays data visually too. Like Stacey, though, you might not notice images that appear straight away, if at all.


What are pre-conscious visions?

You see images in your mind often. When you think of a chore to accomplish, a picture of you doing it may pop into your head. The same applies to when you recall the past. Additionally, there’s a gap between sleep and wakefulness when hypnagogic pictures stream, although they don’t always rise into consciousness sufficiently to be recognized.

Many images originate consciously, but hypnagogic visions may surface from an unconscious, or preconscious level. Preconscious thought sits somewhere between stored data you can’t see and full awareness. It rises when needed, but might also appear for no apparent reason. Thus, not all of the pictures your mind produces are intuitive guidance.


How does one notice preconscious imagery?

Much of the time, you aren’t aware of your mind’s imagery, but you can increase attentiveness. When you go to bed, intend to connect with a hypnagogic state. Take deep breaths and notice how, w hen you shut your eyes and relax, you can see patterns, shapes, colors, or complete pictures.

Let your intuition flow. Don’t consider what pictures represent since you’ll drop out of a hypnagogic state. When you’re used to observing pre-dream images, practice noticing those that flash into your mind during the day.

If you can’t see anything, use a prompt. Choose a topic, such as a place you’ve never been, and observe what your imagination produces. When you’re good at seeing the pictures, ask your preconscious mind questions to raise your intuition. For example, if you have strong feelings, ask for images to show their meanings.

Since the brain sometimes offers data as symbols or metaphors, don’t expect an explicit representation. For example, if you ask whether the job you’re applying for is suitable, you might see a hang glider sailing through the sky, suggesting no hidden problems are detected.

Make recognizing preconscious visions a habit, and you’ll be more aware of the information they convey. Also, remember data isn’t necessarily obvious. You need to think about what the pictures you see represent instead of accepting them at face value. The more you practice, the easier observing your intuition will be. Plus, the emergence of images may increase as a result of your attention.
