Personal Physical with The Dining Table
Upright: Sticking to a healthy diet may help you to improve your health or sense of well-being. Make sure your nutritional needs are met, and essential foods or nutrients aren’t excluded from your regime.
Reversed: This card combination can indicate dietary issues, vitamin deficiencies, poor digestion, not eating enough, or low blood sugar.

Personal Physical with Purity
Upright: You may benefit from focusing on balancing your pH. Maybe avoiding drinking sodas or other beverages that affect pH negatively is an excellent place to start. Or you might consider drinking purified, pH balanced water.
Reversed: You could be physical affected by some form of impurity in the water or fluids you drink or bath in. This impurity could be chlorine, fluoride, another chemical. For some, this card combination could indicate sensitivity to soaps, perfumes, or bath products.

Collective Emotional with Dashing Through the Snow
Upright: People could be awaiting the results of something that is taking its time to materialize. This could be the results of a trial, election, the passing of a bill, fulfillment of prophecy, or something else that seems to be creating a feeling of impatience or frustration. If sensitive, you could feel impacted (empathically or otherwise). Alternatively, you might have past life or other memories to process where people felt impatient or waiting due to a promise you made, a prophecy you gave, or a delayed plan of action. People might have been anxious to see an outcome materialize.
Reversed: If sensitive, you could feel affected by some form of sabotage happening in the world. Maybe the sabotage occurs in relation to an election, trial, new reforms, or something similar. Or perhaps certain groups or interests are using bribery, pay-offs, blackmail, or other forms of influence to keep positive progress or change from happening. Alternatively, you could have past life or other memories to work through involving feeling compromised or sabotaged. You may have felt someone powerful was using unfair tactics, bribes, pay-offs, or blackmail to keep you from succeeding in life.