Color of Love Cards – Try Online

4 Card Current Love Spread – Past, Present, Future, Lesson

Shuffle the cards while asking a question or having a relationship in mind. The first card represents your past, the second represents the present, the third represents your future, and the last card represents the lesson you can learn. If you wish to repeat a reading, shuffle each card again. Through clicking on a flipped card, you can read the message (in the case it is hard to read from the image).

Hot and Cold

Silver Love 1

Hot and Cold: A love interest may come on strong and then back off. They may feel two ways about you or unsure what they want.

Illusion Broken: A love interest may reveal his or her hidden intentions or dark side. If you’ve been living in a fantasy, the harsh reality could hit you hard.


A Journey

Black Love 2

A Journey: re you or a love interest intending to travel? Perhaps you go on vacation together or a trip is planned to see each other.

Kept at a Distance: Loving someone who is distant, travels a lot, or lives in another city or location isn’t always easy. You may spend time apart.


Friends with Benefits

Indigo Love 1

Friends with Benefits: While a current lover may not be “the one,” he or she offers a convenient friendship until something better comes along.

Feeling Awkward: You hoped that if you played your cards right you could turn a friendship into something more. Hopefully, it hasn’t made things awkward.


Risky Business

Violet Love 5

Risky Business: If you’re dating a married man or having an affair, there could be risks involved (including getting caught)! In the end, will it have been worth it?

A Love Triangle: Being part of a love triangle causes pain and heartache. Instead of waiting for the third party to be ousted, oust yourself!


3 Card Current Love Spread – You, Your Love Interest, Advice

Shuffle each of the cards while asking a question or having a relationship in mind. The first card represents you in terms of your connection with a love interest, the second represents your connection with a love interest from his or her perspective, the third card is a card of advice. If you wish to repeat a reading, shuffle each card again. Through clicking on a flipped card, you can read the message (in the case it is hard to read from the image).

Worth the Wait

Violet Love 2

Worth the Wait: Don’t give up on a love interest too soon! Any rough patches can be smoothed out over time. Your love situation has growth potential!

Just Plain Lazy: Your lover is the lazy type. You might find yourself giving more to him or her than you get back. This could frustrate or disappoint you at times.


A Special Occasion

Gold Love 3

A Special Occasion: A loved one has special plans for your birthday, anniversary, or other occasion. It’s sure to be a memorable day for you!

Too Much Nitpicking! If you’re too negative, controlling or nitpicking, it may be off-putting to a lover. It could also block you from developing a deeper bond.

Love Interest

Psychic Connection

Indigo Love 4

Psychic Connection: There’s a strong connection between you and a lover that leads you to know or sense what the other is thinking or feeling.

Obsess Much? Are you obsessing too much over a love interest? Try to let go a little. Learn to balance your emotions.


4 Card New Love Spread – Your Pattern, Your Longing, Your Future, Additional Information

Shuffle each of the cards while asking a question or having a relationship in mind. The first card represents what you tend to attract (or have attracted in the past). The second card represents what you hope for (if negative it could be subconscious or an archetype). The third card represents what is coming in love. The fourth card represents additional information. If you wish to repeat a reading, shuffle each card again. Through clicking on a flipped card, you can read the message (in the case it is hard to read from the image).

Lessons in Expression

White Love 3

Lessons in Expression: You may meet someone who’ll challenge you to express yourself and your feelings. If you hold yourself back, an opportunity for love may slip away or fail to actualize.

Make the First Move: You could find yourself in a situation where love will require you make the first move. You may need to ask someone else out if you want something to happen, as they may be too shy or inhibited to do so.

Your Pattern


Indigo Love 6

Indigogo: Someone with an indigo spirit may enter your life. He or she may resist authority, be fascinated with conspiracy theories, or experiment with alternative ways of living.

Go Against the Norm: Try not to need a relationship (or a certain type of person or relationship) simply because your parents or society are pressuring you. Don’t be afraid to be try something different, date someone who is not your type, or to adopt an unconventional mental outlook.

Your Longing

Psychic Connection

Indigo Love 2

Psychic Connection: You’ll feel an instant, psychic connection with someone new you meet. You may finish each other’s sentences or sense what the other is feeling.

Undetermined: The timeframe for when true love arrives is at the moment undetermined. You will have to go into the void without knowing the timeframe for certain.

Your Future

Parental Approval

Gold Love 3

Parental approval: Your future partner is approved of or selected by your family or parents. Perhaps you’ll find love through an arranged marriage or family connections.

Introduced by family: You may meet someone at a family event or through being introduced (or set up) by a family member. See to other cards whether this arrangement will be successful.

Additional Info