EFT Cards – Try Online

How to interpret the card definitions:

tapping chartThese cards and the definitions for this deck are formatted for use with EFT. Some cards offer a tapping-out approach while some offer a tapping-in approach. For example, for the card “It is possible,” the tapping-in approach would be to tap the EFT points (see image) while stating to yourself that healing is possible. The tapping-out approach would be to tap that it isn’t possible to heal but you love and accept yourself anyways. You are tapping on a subconscious belief system rather than a reality. Through acknowledging  that you have a certain negative belief system within you, and loving and accept yourself regardless if what you believed were true, it can help you to heal and transmute it.

4 Card Rounded Healing Spread

Shuffle the cards while having an issue in mind. You can then tap the cards to reveal them. The first card represents the primary psychological (or PR) block that hinders you from being free of that issue (or being able to cope with it). The second card represents the chakra to work with to help you with your issue. The third card represents an emotion or memory that you’d benefit clearing in connection with your issue. The fourth card represents a time frame which that emotion got trapped within your energy field. Once the cards are turned, you can tap each card to reveal its message. To perform a new reading, click to shuffle each card.

EFT Deck
Blocks are clear

Blocks are clear

You are free of blocks to clearing your issue. Tap the main issue.

You are free of blocks or do not need to focus on them. Tap the main issue.

PR Block

EFT Deck
Cords and Energies

Cords and Energies

A pink symbol indicates to work with etheric cords and energies empathically taken on in relationships with others. An example setup statement could be, “I am clear of all cords, attachments, psychic attacks, and energies that I have taken on from others.” If there is a secondary block, you can work that into the same setup statement, such as, “It is possible (or I allow, it is safe, etc) for me and my space and energy to be clear of cords, attachments, psychic attacks, and energies that don’t belong to me.”

A pink symbol indicates to work with etheric cords and energies empathically taken on in relationships with others. An example setup statement could be, “I am clear of all cords, attachments, psychic attacks, and energies that I have taken on from others.” If there is a secondary block, you can work that into the same setup statement, such as, “It is possible (or I allow, it is safe, etc) for me and my space and energy to be clear of cords, attachments, psychic attacks, and energies that don’t belong to me.”


Emotions Deck
Resentment to Good Will

Resentment to Good Will

Memory Work: Work with memories where you may have felt the emotion of resentment.

Affirmation or Healing Statement: “I ask that my high self and higher body intelligence help me to release the trapped emotion of resentment from {the time frame} and replace it with a feeling of good will.”

The timeframe to work with for the trapped emotion or memory in question is the last 10 years.


Emotions Deck
Preconception Card


The timeframe to work with for the trapped emotion or memory in question is the time before your conception. This could either be a past life or the time frame between your most recent past life and your current incarnation for which you weren’t incarnated.

Memory Work: Work with memories where you may have felt the emotion of lust. This could be sexual lust or lust for power, ambition, etc.

Affirmation or Healing Statement: “I ask that my high self and higher body intelligence help me to release the trapped emotion of lust from {the time frame} and replace it with a feeling of contentment.”


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Available decks can be purchased or preordered here>>

Three Card Breakthrough Spread

Shuffle each of the cards while having an issue in mind. The tap the cards to draw them. Each card you draw will represent a  block to clear concerning your issue. If you draw the “Blocks are Clear” or “Main Issue” card, it means you may have less than three. If you wish to repeat a reading, shuffle each card again. Through clicking on a flipped card, you can read the message (in the case it is hard to read from the image).

EFT Deck
Energy toxins

Energy toxins

Use the deck to tap through blocks to releasing the physical, emotional, or energetic toxins that obstruct your healing progress.

Overwhelm: Tap: “Even though a feeling of overwhelm is blocking me from overcoming this issue, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.”

Block 1

EFT Deck
I am open

I am open

Tap in: “My entire being is open to happiness, peace, and strength.”

Tap in the light: Tap in: “I feel my energy field open up and expand out. It’s full of bright, white, healing light.”

Block 2

EFT Deck
I know what it feels like

I know what it feels like

Tap: “Even though I’ll never know what it feels like to be free of this issue, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.”

I can receive: Tap in the positive: that you can receive love, nurturing, and healing! It’s safe to receive!

Block 3

3 Card Chakra/Energy Clearing Spread

Shuffle each of the cards while asking what part of your energy system you need to work with. Then, tap the cards to reveal them. The first card represents a chakra or part of your energy to clear. The second card represents a block to clear to help you clear your space or chakra.The third card represents a second block to clear. If you draw the “Main Issue” or “Blocks are Clear” card you may have less than 2 blocks to clear. If you wish to repeat a reading, shuffle each card again. Through clicking on a flipped card, you can read the message (in the case it is hard to read from the image).

EFT Deck
Heart Chakra Card

Heart Chakra

This card back indicates to work with the heart chakra. To use EFT to clear this chakra, tap the EFT points while affirming, “My heart chakra is clear, balanced and healed of energetic defects.” If you draw this card with a second card indicating there block to clear, you can include it into the affirmation. Such as, ” It is possible for my heart chakra to be clear, balanced and healed of energetic defects,” “I allow my heart chakra to be clear, balanced, and healed of energetic defects,” or whatever block is indicated on the card you drew.

This card back indicates to work with the heart chakra. To use EFT to clear this chakra, tap the EFT points while affirming, “My heart chakra is clear, balanced and healed of energetic defects.” If you draw this card with a second card indicating there block to clear, you can include it into the affirmation. Such as, “It is possible for my heart chakra to be clear, balanced and healed of energetic defects,” “I allow my heart chakra to be clear, balanced, and healed of energetic defects,” or whatever block is indicated on the card you drew.


EFT Deck
I forgive others

I forgive others

Tap: “I release and let go of any feelings of unforgiveness that block me from overcoming this issue.”

I forgive myself: Tap: “I release and let go of all guilt and inability to forgive myself that blocks me from overcoming this issue.”

Block 1

EFT Deck
Lessons & karma

Lessons & karma

You may hang onto an issue because you believe it’s karmic or that you can learn from it. Tap this block as a main issue. Clear any blocks to its release.

Grounding: Your progress might be blocked by a lack of grounding. Tap: “I’m fully grounded and vitally alive. My body is a safe place to live.”

Block 2

4 Card Emotional Healing Spread

Shuffle the cards while having an issue in mind. Then tap the cards to reveal them. The first card represents a primary emotion that needs to be cleared in connection with your issue. The second card represents the timeframe of when that emotion arose which can be connected to a memory. The third card represents a block you may have to clearing that emotion/memory. The fourth card represents a second block you may have. If you draw the “Blocks are Clear” card or the “Main Issue” card, you may have less than two blocks. Once the cards are overturned, you can tap each card to reveal its message. To perform a new reading, click to shuffle each card.

Emotions Deck
Lack of Control to Stability

Lack of Control to Stability

Memory Work: Work with memories where you may have experienced feeling a lack of control.

Affirmation or Healing Statement: “I ask that my high self and higher body intelligence help me to release the feeling of lack of control from {the time frame} and replace it with a feeling of stability.”

The timeframe to work with for the trapped emotion or memory in question is the first half of life.


Emotions Deck
Collective Card


The emotion in question was taken on from your environment. This could be through culture, media, education, religious ideas, norms or other collective belief systems that seeks to tell us who to be or what to feel.

Memory Work: work with any memory you have where you experienced feeling oppressed, either by a person or a situation.

Affirmation or Healing Statement: “I ask that my high self and higher body intelligence help me to release the trapped emotion of feeling oppressed from {the time frame} and replace it with feeling of liberation.”


EFT Deck
Others will benefit

Others will benefit

Tap in the positive: that others will benefit if you manifest the health and happiness you desire!”

Tap out: “Even though others won’t benefit if I overcome this issue, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.”

Block 1

EFT Deck
Main issue

Main issue

You are free of blocks. Tap the main issue.

You are free of blocks. Tap the main issue.

Block 2