Two Card Reading
This is a two card reading for the 1111 Oracle Cards (still under construction). You can either ask a question to receive guidance, or if you’ve been seeing 11:11, you can ask for what message those prompts have for you. Then click to draw a card. (Card definition are still going through editing)..

Spiritual Protection
You’re Spiritually Protected: Allow yourself to trust in the spiritual realm and to feel safe and protected. Also trust that you’re loved and supported by angels who you can call upon for their support, when needed.
Clear and Ground Your Energy: You might benefit from clearing your space and energy of psychic debris. If you’re an empathic sponge, taking things on from others or your environment, you might benefit from developing stronger boundaries.

One with Spirit: You’re asked to spend time contemplating spiritual oneness. Allow yourself to appreciate that there are no real separations between you, others, and creation. All separations are illusions
Separation Consciousness: If you’ve been viewing nature, life, or others as an enemy or something attacking you (justified or not), try to transcend this viewpoint, even if just temporarily. Meditate on the ways you’re similar and joined with others (and nature) in spirit as opposed to physically separated and different.
Three Card Reading

Be Wary
The universe or your angels are urging you to wake up to something deceptive going on around you. Perhaps you are in the dark or fooling yourself about someone or something. Guard against naivete, gullibility, or patterns of denial. Appearances might not be all they seem.
Are you feeling a sense of regret for trusting the wrong person or situation? Are you feeling played for a fool in any way? If so, try not to be too hard on yourself. Even though you are learning a lesson through hindsight, you are still learning something that will help you have foresight in the future.

Divine Justice
Someone dishonest, abusive, or unfair might be exposed or held accountable. If you find yourself involved in a legal matter where someone wronged you, the outcome will likely turn out positive in your favor.
Something negative that you are experiencing could be karmic. Perhaps you’re tested for a spiritual purpose or have past life lessons or trauma to work through. Or maybe you’re given the opportunity to make amends for some action you took that hurt someone. Whatever the case, the scales are being brought back into balance somehow. While you might not see the benefit now, you’ll likely have a different perspective later.

Prepare the Way
In the upright position, we see footprints are guiding you in some way. Thus, with drawing this card you may feel guided with in ushering in a new era. Perhaps you are meant to be a trailblazer, off-gridder, or part of another group experimenting with alternative lifestyles, identities, or ways of living. Or you may be a pioneer in helping others find ways to live in harmony with one another, nature, or themselves. Trust that you have something to offer that can help pave the way for positive change.
In the reversed position, the footprints are approaching you directly. Perhaps you experience some form of divine intervention. Or you might find yourself in direct communication with Christ, an angel, or another divine being. Or it could represent a meeting with a part of yourself (the most Christ-like part). What is coming will lead you closer to the divine in some form.