This oracle is based on the original version of the Healers of the Earth Oracle that focused on giving collective readings People who have the Healers of the Earth Oracle might recognize some similarities with card names from the Healers of the Earth Oracle are separated into the same categories (earth, air, water, fire, ice, technology, healing, community, purification, spiritual hygiene).
Three Card Reading

Oppressed Groups
This card can indicate oppression, discrimination, genocide, human trafficking, modern slavery, organ harvesting, or people being unjustly arrested or placed in an encampment or ghetto.
Upright Potentials
• A leader, group, or the public is guilty of discrimination or wishes for a group to be segregated, placed in camps, to lose access to water or utilities, or be otherwise persecuted.
• There is inequality and unequal rights in the workplace, educational institutions, or other aspects of life.
• Political dissidents are silences, jailed, or otherwise punished.
This card can indicate oppression, discrimination, genocide, human trafficking, modern slavery, organ harvesting, or people being unjustly arrested or placed in an encampment or ghetto.
Reversed Potentials
• People are revolting against their oppressors. Or they may be banding together in support of equal rights or to end genocide, human trafficking, segregation, discrimination, or abuse.
• There is amnesty and protection offered to a persecuted group.
• There are boycotts or action taken against companies, countries, or groups who oppress their workers.

Secret Agenda
This card can indicate secret experiments, documents, military activities, surveillance, or agendas that are kept “hush hush.”
Upright Potentials
• There is a military or other agenda, environmental hazard, technology, experimentation, surveillance, or cure for a disease that is being kept secret.
• The public is kept in the dark about an urgent matter to protect or deceive it.
• A leader, corporation, or public figure is guilty of deception or pulling the wool over other’s eyes.
This card can indicate secret experiments, documents, military activities, surveillance, or agendas that are kept “hush hush.”
Reversed Potentials
• A politician, celebrity, or public figure expose (or confesses) something the public has been kept in the dark about.
• An arrest is made for fraud or deception.
• Someone breaks a non-disclosure agreement to get the truth out. There are leaked documents, emails, or information that exposes the truth. Or a whistleblower has shocking news to share.

All Falling Down
This card upright can represent a collapse of some kind, through the earth’s crust collapsing (as with an earthquake), or something else collapsing or falling to the ground. This card can also be interpreted as political or other forms of instability or collapse.
Upright Potentials
• An earthquake, sinkhole, or landslide makes headlines. Or the negative impact of fracking, mining, or drilling is discussed.
• A revelation, shock, or incident causes instability or shock. Peoples illusions are shattered.
• Weaknesses in the foundation of an institution or country are revealed. Or there is political, economic, or social chaos or collapse.
This card upright can represent a collapse of some kind, through the earth’s crust collapsing (as with an earthquake), or something else collapsing or falling to the ground. This card can also be interpreted as political or other forms of instability or collapse.
Reversed Potentials
• There is rebuilding after a collapse.
• A new regime is built on top of a fallen one.
• The public learns from hindsight where specific weaknesses reside and how to correct them.
• There is a period of calm or normalization after shock or instability.
Lesson or Response

Socialize: The universe is nudging you to become more social. Plan a get-together with friends or join a social group, whether online or offline. Try not to spend too much time alone.
Join a Cause: The universe could be urging you to join a cause or to become more social or community-minded. By joining with others toward a humanitarian goal, you accomplish more than you can do alone.

Be a Leader
Take Charge of a Situation: Trust that you have what it takes to take charge of a situation. You can assume command and create organization out of chaos.
Set Rules and Boundaries: You’ll benefit from being assertive with others and setting rules and boundaries. Ensure that others are treating you appropriately and respectfully. This reversed card can also indicate setting rules or boundaries for yourself. Perhaps doing so will help you manage a project or deal with a situation that has become chaotic or disorganized.