2024 Collective Reading – Month by Month

January There may be the need to take care that a large scale accident doesn't happen that could have been prevented (toxic spill, lab leak, economic recklessness, or other). Something could be polluting the air, either literally or metaphorically. Whatever happens, people may need to process difficult emotions. Braving the Storm Collective Healing Message (Braving [...]

Visions of November 9, 2013

In the first vision I was shown the souls of a multitude of natives, rising from the earth, ready for action and to take back the Americas. They were climbing over obstacles and hills, charging forward. They had war paint on their face and wore there hair in a strange fashion. There were red, white and blue feathers tied in their hair.

Knowledge Versus Wisdom: A Message

“While humanity is abundant in knowledge, it is lacking wisdom. Wisdom, after all, is the ability to use knowledge wisely; which you will know when true wisdom has been applied from its fruits. Until humanity can perceive the fruits of its miscreative thoughts and behaviors, it will continue to miscreate[i] and produce unloving fruits. This problem of miscreation occurs when individuals possess knowledge, but do not yet fully understand it inside their hearts. They only know it within their brains….”

In What Direction Are You Integerated: Forward or Backward?

In January of 2012, I began to receive a direct and to the point message from a guide who connected themselves with Archangel Ariel (the archetypal angel associated with manifestation and nature). It was a message concerning how a time of “Judgment” is coming and that a “choice” would be made for us, if we could not make one for ourselves. This time of judgement is primarily about our having to accept accountability for what our thoughts and the “work of our hands” are manifesting…