Have We Not Got Enough?

by Peaceful Warrior. It never ceases to amaze me just how much luxury we all currently have, both material objects and levels of longevity. Well of course that is not the case for the majority actually, though to us in the west it would appear to be the case. The real truth is that almost 80% of the world’s populations have very little of these commodities, and their lives are often cut prematurely short through hunger and disease. Kind of odd wouldn’t you say? That 20% of the people of the world have more than enough and may not even realize their good fortunes. A conundrum indeed, do we need more or do we need less (to share more)?

The Re-Awakening

By Peaceful Warrior, James Redfield, Eckhart Tolle, Mandy Peterson and many other authors have been writing about these issues for such a large part of the past several decades with the aim of waking people up gradually into a new world. One that has been created by blindness and greed. The reason they have been attempting to wake people is certainly not to manipulate them further. But it does seem clear that these rather small groups of people have done so out of concern for the welfare of the greater number of their human family. Of course no-one likes to be waken in a violent and scary fashion. A cold bucket of water thrown over you might cause you a heart attack, but a slow gentle shaking will do no harm whatsoever.

Duality Versus Isness

By Peaceful Warrior. To the untrained eye, it may appear that there are always pluses and minuses. Good or evil, love and hate, war and peace, cold and heat, or light and darkness. Up, down, left, right, inside and outside, forwards and backwards. But you may be surprised to know that by a process we call relativity we can arrive at many other points of conclusion and or debate. Duality would have us believe that both exist side by side and that there is only one thing or the other, with it’s opposite at the point of us determining our viewpoint….