If Your Relationship Moves Too Fast It Might Not Last

Are you feeling disillusioned in love because you find yourself attracted to ardent admirers who sweep you off your feet, move a relationship forward really fast, but before you know it its over or they are giving you the brush off? Recently I had someone ask me for advice what to do in this kind of situation. Here is the best advice I could think of…

Watch Out For Being The “Transitional” Lover!

Be on alert if someone asks you to “wait” for them because they are “not ready.” A transitional love may say they need “time,” or may only seem ready for a “friends with benefits” affair. Some may go through periods of contact followed by withdrawal; leaving you wondering what happened.

Are You In A Relationship With Unpredictable Rewards?

In 2008, I had a client who explained to me there was once an experiment that was done with pigeons (I have since found out it the experiment was actually done with rats and that this process is called "Intermittent Reinforcement" see here >>). She explained that In this experiment, the pigeons were divided into [...]

Visions of November 9, 2013

In the first vision I was shown the souls of a multitude of natives, rising from the earth, ready for action and to take back the Americas. They were climbing over obstacles and hills, charging forward. They had war paint on their face and wore there hair in a strange fashion. There were red, white and blue feathers tied in their hair.

Heaven is Where the Heart Is: Finding the True Meaning of Abundance in Our “Enoughness”

We live in an age of overconsumption, over-activity, and over-promotionalism. Sometimes, it appears that almost everyone has something to promote, buy, or sell. Of course, our advancement is complicated by a multitude of spiritual books and gurus who tell us how to thrive and survive in this age–and how to become a product for sale within it–rather than how to transcend it. Thus, we end up subliminally taught that to be unsuccessful in the material world–according to this consciousness of consumerism—means that we are “less than” in some way. We are taught this means that we have “blocks” to clear as if it were a disease….

Have We Not Got Enough?

by Peaceful Warrior. It never ceases to amaze me just how much luxury we all currently have, both material objects and levels of longevity. Well of course that is not the case for the majority actually, though to us in the west it would appear to be the case. The real truth is that almost 80% of the world’s populations have very little of these commodities, and their lives are often cut prematurely short through hunger and disease. Kind of odd wouldn’t you say? That 20% of the people of the world have more than enough and may not even realize their good fortunes. A conundrum indeed, do we need more or do we need less (to share more)?

The Colors of Abundance

Abundance can mean different things to different people. While www.thefreedictionary.com defines abundance as “a great and plentiful amount,” “fullness to overflowing,” and “affluence; wealth,” each of these definitions is open to interpretation as well. What is wealth to one person may be valueless to another, and vice versa. So, if we could categorize each kind of abundance by connecting it to a color, what would that color be, and what would make each category different? What would each color type say about the individual who is attracted to it?

The Re-Awakening

By Peaceful Warrior, James Redfield, Eckhart Tolle, Mandy Peterson and many other authors have been writing about these issues for such a large part of the past several decades with the aim of waking people up gradually into a new world. One that has been created by blindness and greed. The reason they have been attempting to wake people is certainly not to manipulate them further. But it does seem clear that these rather small groups of people have done so out of concern for the welfare of the greater number of their human family. Of course no-one likes to be waken in a violent and scary fashion. A cold bucket of water thrown over you might cause you a heart attack, but a slow gentle shaking will do no harm whatsoever.

Duality Versus Isness

By Peaceful Warrior. To the untrained eye, it may appear that there are always pluses and minuses. Good or evil, love and hate, war and peace, cold and heat, or light and darkness. Up, down, left, right, inside and outside, forwards and backwards. But you may be surprised to know that by a process we call relativity we can arrive at many other points of conclusion and or debate. Duality would have us believe that both exist side by side and that there is only one thing or the other, with it’s opposite at the point of us determining our viewpoint….

Knowledge Versus Wisdom: A Message

“While humanity is abundant in knowledge, it is lacking wisdom. Wisdom, after all, is the ability to use knowledge wisely; which you will know when true wisdom has been applied from its fruits. Until humanity can perceive the fruits of its miscreative thoughts and behaviors, it will continue to miscreate[i] and produce unloving fruits. This problem of miscreation occurs when individuals possess knowledge, but do not yet fully understand it inside their hearts. They only know it within their brains….”

Seductive Withholders

Like Romance Addicts, Seductive Withholders are a form of Ambivalent Love Addict. Ambivalent Love Addicts tend to crave intimacy and closeness with a partner, but fear it at the same time. They tend to keep relationships at a superficial level through various means. This protects them from having to develop a closer and more intimate relationship.

Make Your Own EFT Muscle Testing Deck

With business card punch out card stock that you can buy at any stationary store, you can make your own EFT Oracle Deck and say good-bye to muscle-testing.

Muscle Testing – Yes/No – Finger Method

Muscle testing is a way to use the body as a tool to connect with it’s innate wisdom to obtain “yes” and “no” answers to questions related to healing. My first time trying it, I found it less complicated and quicker to use then a pendulum. Though pendulums are better with charts for other forms of testing. If not comfortable with muscle testing or other “energy methods,” I have developed a divination deck that clients can use in place of these techniques. See here for how to make your own deck >>. See here for a deck that you can purchase>>.

Sensing the Energy Field and Its Blocks

The main basic states of imbalance that a person may suffer from include blocked chakras; leaks, tears, and holes; negative cords & attachments; energy depletion; disturbances in the energy flow; and overactive and underactive chakras. Five techniques that one can use to detect issues in the energy field include muscle testing (aka applied kinesiology), pendulum, physical sensing using the hands (called “passing-of-hands”), sensing the condition of the aura and chakras through the reception of psychic information and guidance, and viewing the aura.

Standing Muscle Testing And Neurological Disorganization Correction

It is not always easy to accurately muscle test oneself if one has an attachment to the outcome. If you feel your ego will get in the way you can try using other forms of divination to get a yes or no response. If progress using EFT or other Energy Medicine Techniques is slow or you feel inhibited from accurate muscle testing, you may also wish to try some Energy Medicine correction exercises and try again. A condition called “switching” (polarity switching) can affect muscle testing as can a condition called “neurological disorganization”. This occurs when there is too much energy in your system making you feel overcharged, ADD or scattered…

What is Psychological Reversal?

Have you ever wondered why you just can’t get over a certain habit or issue? You could be suffering from polarity reversals. In EFT lingo, this is called “psychological reversal.”

Are You In Love With A Narcissist?

A lot of the calls that I receive are from individuals who are in love with someone who frustrates them and they just want to know if things will ever change. Other calls are from individuals who have lost a love and they want to know if it can be rekindled or retrieved. Some are individuals in a relationship with someone who just can’t make an emotional commitment. However some individuals may be with a partner who suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NDP). Such love interests, even if they are charming and pursue you very ardently, may be completely unable to give or show love in a genuine way…