2024 Collective Reading – Month by Month

January There may be the need to take care that a large scale accident doesn't happen that could have been prevented (toxic spill, lab leak, economic recklessness, or other). Something could be polluting the air, either literally or metaphorically. Whatever happens, people may need to process difficult emotions. Braving the Storm Collective Healing Message (Braving [...]

Testing out Styles

Over the last year, I've been playing with an idea for a tarot deck. The idea actually came from others who like the 11:11 card in the Healers of the earth oracle and suggested I design a deck around that idea. So, I have all the cards drawn and I'm now trying to come up [...]

5 Tips for Getting Over a Romantic Obsession

A romantic obsession is an unrealistic attachment to someone who is not interested in you. If the other person has ended the relationship and you cannot accept that, your pursuit then becomes problematic

Are You Compatible? 4 Signs You Might Not Be

Compatibility is an important part of a romantic relationship. Physical attraction and good conversation are important, but you have to look at your lifestyle and plans you have for your future too. If you are at opposite ends of the spectrum, you might not have enough in common to have a successful long-term relationship.

6 Signs That A Woman Doesn’t Value Herself

A woman who doesn’t value herself might not see her worth and how much she offers the world and others. She may not see that what she has to offer is equal in measure to what others have to offer. Due to this, she may exhibit behavior that allows others to treat her poorly. Here are six common signs that a woman has a low sense of self-worth.

Is There Still a Chance for You and an Ex? Will Anything Bring Him or Her Back?

Breaking up is one of the most difficult things that can happen in your love life. It’s unsettling, and at other times it can be confusing. You don’t understand where did you go wrong and you may be trying to find ways to make your ex-notice you again. However, you might just be pushing him or her away with the things that you’re doing.

How to Have a Civilized Divorce

When Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin announced that they were “consciously uncoupling” but remained good friends, it was greeted with much sniggering and ridicule. Yet, however irritating the phrase may have been, such a calm, even affectionate, divorce is possible. Of course, there are frequently good reasons for anger and hatred; abuse, neglect, and infidelity leave scars that last for years. But marriage breakdowns often degenerate into bitterness quite unnecessarily.

9 Subtle Signs Of Abuse That You Shouldn’t Ignore

Abuse in a relationship should never be tolerated. However, you might be surprised by what constitutes an abusive relationship. You might think of abuse as physical, but hitting, slapping, and threats of harm are not the only kinds of maltreatment. Here are some subtle signs of abuse that should not be ignored.

How Sensitive People Can Use Empathy Without Getting Overwhelmed

Kind people are often proud to be empathic. They believe empathy is evidence of their sensitivity to the needs of others, and they’re not wrong. Stepping into another’s shoes can drain your energy when practiced without self-care, though. If you can use your insightful nature judiciously, it is more likely everyone will benefit. This is because you will no longer soak up others’ stress and you’ll have the clarity to help them.

Breathwork for Increased Well-Being

The way you breathe affects your emotions and vitality since it sends signals to your autonomic nervous system–a component of the peripheral nervous system that regulates automatic body functions such as blood flow and your heartbeat. Breathing exercises can balance and relax you, leaving you calm and centered. They can also provide an energy boost when you are weary and enliven your mind…

Mindfulness in Meditation: Learning Not to Scratch the Itch

If you practice mindfulness, you might understand what is meant by not scratching an itch. When witnessing your thoughts and feelings, you detach from them. To reach this state, you need to overcome the urge to engage with sensations or your internal voice.