
There may be the need to take care that a large scale accident doesn’t happen that could have been prevented (toxic spill, lab leak, economic recklessness, or other). Something could be polluting the air, either literally or metaphorically. Whatever happens, people may need to process difficult emotions.

Braving the Storm

Braving the Storm

Collective Healing Message (Braving the Storm): Changes may be taking place in the world in a way there’s no turning back to a former way of living. You may have no option but to swing head-on into these new changes, trusting that they are for the good of the whole and you can endure them. Perhaps a philosophy you once believed in can be replaced with a new understanding. Or changes could be occurring with collective values, trends, innovations, which such changes are deemed essential or timely. Whatever the case, a prior way of doing things may no longer make much sense or may not be appropriate in the light of new circumstances or information garnered.

Continue moving forward and go with the flow as much as you’re able, allowing yourself to process any emotions that might surface. While these changes may not be the easiest to accept or adapt to, they might be necessary for your own or the world’s growth and enlightenment. Even a negative change could have a positive effect in the long run if it stimulates you or others to be shaken out of complacency. So with whatever is changing, trust that such change could still prove beneficial.


February 2024 Reading
Something may be covered up. At the same time, something is coming to light or there is increased transparency or vision. Perhaps, both are happening at the same time, such as if people are seeing a situation more clearly and yet there is an attempt to suppress, cover up, or deny what is evident.

The High Road

The High Road

Collective Healing Message (The High Road): Take the high road in an area of life. Allow your values to become more altruistic, even if it’s difficult or requires making a sacrifice. Allow yourself to connect—in a heartfelt and honest way—with something more meaningful and reflective of the values that you would like to see emulated, not only within your own life but the world. The higher values that you may wish to connect with are your choice. They could be related to work, relationships, spirituality, dating, diet, lifestyle, the environment, or another area of personal or collective life. What’s important is to seek a connection to something higher and nobler in spirit. While this may not necessarily be an easy assignment, you wouldn’t have drawn this card if you weren’t up for the challenge.


March 2024 Reading
For March, there could be a lot of chaos occurring. People may be off-track, not heeding signs or other warnings, or allowing their emotions to spin out of control. Perhaps there is a terror attack or a situation occurs where there is the desire for payback or revenge. Or something is stirring people to become excessively or dangerously divided. Try not to give into vengeful emotions and deal with energies manifesting in a constructive way. Engage in peaceful resistance rather than vengeful retaliation or the dehumanization of other or groups of people. Events are occurring at schools or on college campuses.

Forest Afire

Forest Afire

Collective Healing Message (Forest Afire): This card’s advice is to channel some of your passion toward Mother Earth (and humanity as a whole). Allow yourself to fall in love with Her. When we’re in love, we tend to see what is beautiful and perfect in the object of our affection. So, let yourself go out into nature and the world and feel moved by all the beauty and goodness that can be observed. The more you can cultivate a love and passion for Mother Nature and humanity, the more you can potentially see Her as containing Her own individual essence and spirit. The love She shows you is love that you can return. The way she fulfills your needs, you can do what you can to meet her needs, too.

For true lovers of nature, the outcome isn’t the goal. Instead, all-encompassing love acts as the primary motivation. When this passion wells up within an increasing number of people, and more of nature’s warriors arise to answer a call, the Law of Attraction will begin to work in a way that manifests increasing health and vitality for Her and the whole of humanity. 


April 2024 Reading
In April, we again have this idea of accidents happening. Some form of recklessness has led to a situation. The purity card is reversed so there may be issues with pollution (this card especially represents the pollution of water), either physically or metaphorically. People may be returning home or finding shelter after a crisis or there may be a focus on rebuilding, sheltering people (such as in refugee or other encampments), or home-ownership.

Collective Healing Message (The Cabal reversed): This card’s advice is to avoid being fooled or taken advantage of by others who could be using their power, authority, intelligence, or position in a cunning or opportunistic way. Especially use your discretion if there are ideas, theories, or information floating around the internet (or other places) that talks a good game but seems especially divisive, is dehumanizing toward others, or seeks to strip a population of special protections or rights. Depending on your situation or biases, it may be difficult to perceive what is covered up or misleading. Thus, try to research different sources of information while employing discretion. While other cards in this deck suggest that you do research, this card approaches this subject from a slightly different angle. Whoever is attempting to deceive might be a little more intentional about it rather than unconscious. The person misleading you could be a politician, industry leader, news source, advertiser, corporation, celebrity, or social influencer.

While this card’s message asks you to uncover the truth, it does not require that you be dramatic about it. If it helps, begin to see life as a consciousness experiment where you’re given the opportunity to become more awakened and aware. Specific forces in the world or universe could be playing with consciousness energy for their own entertainment and amusement. Or they may be using gaslighting, mind games, or psychological warfare to manipulate beliefs, opinions, or morale. How will you respond to be given certain information or stimuli? Will you maintain a sense of integrity, or will you give away your power? If you can remain grounded, wise, and connected to an inner core of truth within you, you’ll come through this type of challenge more awakened and empowered.


May 2024 Reading
There may be healthcare reform or a promising new remedy to a health issue is presented. There is also some form of regime change taking place (politically or with health care or another area of life). There is some element that the clock is ticking and that time is of the essence to deal with a specific situation or to prevent something negative from happening.

May 2024 ReadingCollective Healing Message (Higher Learning Reversed): If you’re willing to do your research and not believe everything you hear, you’ll be able to cut through disinformation that blocks you from knowing the truth about important world issues. Cutting through disinformation is not always an easy task. Disinformation is often packaged in a way to have the appearance of truth, even when it’s not. It can even be something we’re conditioned to believe and defend, such as by our family upbringing, culture, religion, advertisers, propaganda, or media.

There’s a second aspect to this card that asks you to separate what’s important to know from what serves as a distraction or creates fear. Therefore, if any theory circulating can’t be proven, ask yourself whether it is something you need to worry about or focus on. For instance, is the information essential or relevant compared to what is known, factual, and easy to act upon? Can it be used to create change or is it creating a sense of hopelessness? Is there something better to focus on? Is there something you can learn (or research) that would help you come up with an effective way to confront a problem?

With this card, you’re asked to look at the sensational information you are giving heed to or are interested in learning more about (through videos, social media, or other sources). If it helps you come into greater service to the whole, it might be vital to know. If not, it might be better to let it go so that you can give your attention to something more worthy to make a focus.


June 2024 Reading
In June, some form of manipulation or lies are exposed or an attempt to propagandize the masses fails. There could also be the recall of a drug or treatment or there is a lab leak or other exposure that puts people at risk. There may be more centralization of government or more corporate control. Monopolies may have more influence in people’s lives rather than less or the merging of corporation and state in some area of life.

Pick Up Your Sword

Pick Up Your Sword

Collective Healing Message (Pick Up Your Sword): For thousands of years, the collective consciousness has been trapped within a parent-child archetype. The “parents” represent the powers that rule and dominate the world, providing rules to abide by, laws to follow, and infrastructures to rely on. The “children” represent society members who remain dependent upon these parental forces for sustenance and survival. There’s an exchange that goes on, one which the parental forces continue to care for and provide for their children as long as they agree to follow the rules. However, this leaves many “children” within this paradigm trapped and unable to grow or mature in a way that doesn’t ask them to compromise higher values that run at cross-purposes to established rules and norms.

Throughout history, there have also been factions of the public willing to mature to a teenage level of expression. These are the revolutionary individuals (whom the new-age identifies as indigo children[1] ) who are eager to break the mold and think outside the box. They are determined to rise out of a consciousness of passive conformity to try something different. If they can combine diplomacy and sensitivity with an energy of activism (in service to a higher cause), they can become the adult Shambhala Warriors[2]  of the world. These “adults” comprise the peacemakers who focus on creating freedom through passive resistance, self-sufficiency, and the willingness to experiment with alternative ways of living and being. They know the world’s problems will not be solved through being a servant to a dominant parental energy, but through finding their own power. They’re the hippies, vegetarians, off-gridders, and others who realize they can grow and mature beyond current ways of doing things, leaving their dependency on a patriarchal system behind. If this sounds like you, congratulations! This card offers you validation and support in your activism, inventiveness, and out-side-the-box endeavors. If this doesn’t sound like you, maybe it is time to question, why not?


[1] An indigo child (a term coined by Nancy Ann Tappe) is described as an individual who is born with an indigo-colored aura and tends to be psychic, strong-willed, and resistant to being control by parental paradigms and structures.
[2] Shambhala Warriors are a prophesied group of individuals who help heal, change, and transform the world. Learn more at http://www.awakin.org/read/view.php?tid=236


July 2024 Reading
Things may get really toxic in July. Perhaps someone is threatening nuclear war or there is the talk of disarmament or need for a clean up. There could be a violent uprising or an unfair fight.  People may be gardening more or there may be a focus on farmers or organic food.

Collective Healing Message (Cult-ure): In the image, we see pawns on a checkerboard floor. However, the one-way sign with no U-turns indicates that the pawns might only be allowed to strategize or move in one direction. Going against the norm could be discouraged. Or if you’ve always done something one way (the same way everyone else is doing), it may be hard to imagine doing it differently. If you depend on a group or its systems for survival, moving in a different direction could prove even more challenging.

Some individuals may be so ingrained and indoctrinated into the way things “are” that they don’t see the one-way signs or how they are affected by them. They are so used to them (and living according to the one-way rules) that they don’t even consider whether there might be other alternatives.

If any of this sounds like you, this card encourages you to notice the ways you’ve become indoctrinated or directed by culture, industries, systems, society, teachers, gurus, advertisers, parents, or other influencers or authorities. Ask yourself where you might be going along with something, simply to go along with it. Then, ask yourself why you go along with it, what you get out of it, and if you have other alternatives.


August 2024 Reading
People are forming alliances with one another or going off-grid in some manner. Or perhaps people are disappearing, ditching social media or their cell phones, or hiding out somewhere. Asking what is causing this to happen, I draw the cards below. So people might be getting away from propaganda or abuses of power. There may be difficult times but it may be bringing certain people together as a way to survive difficult times or escape a difficult situation. August 2024 Reading 2

Collective Healing Message (Braving the Storm Reversed): There may be a lot going on in the world, causing the emotional climate to become chaotic. Perhaps so many changes are taking place that it’s hard for people to keep up. Or there could be forms of social, political, financial, or environmental upheaval occurring that are making people afraid of what the future holds. If this feels the case, try to keep your head above water. Don’t let yourself drown in feelings of overwhelm or desperation. Avoid taking on the fear or panic in the world or the negativity of people close to you. If you need to get away for a while (including taking a break from the news or social media), don’t be afraid to do so.  Do what you need to do to feel grounded and balanced.


September 2024 Reading
September looks difficult with overcrowded hospitals or negative hospital reforms. There could be eruptions of some kind or social unrest. People may have a difficult time restraining themselves. There may be metaphorical or literal fires that are attempted to be brought under control or contained. Or there may be legislation to protect forests or the lumber industry.

Tea of Transformation

Tea of Transformation

Collective Healing Message (Tea of Transformation): This card’s advice is to embark on some form of alternative healing, either as a healer for others or through making use of nature-based healing modalities to heal yourself. Experiment with making use of something from the natural world instead of something that has been artificially manufactured or which harms nature rather than working in cooperation with it to manifest a cure. Doing so may help you create a greater connection and appreciation for nature and how there is a reciprocal relationship that can occur. This relationship is one that can benefit both you and others. As you make use of nature’s medicines, it’s important to remember to give back in return. This can be as simple as giving thanks to the plants and energies that you make use of.


October 2024 Reading
For October, the military agenda is reversed, indicating the negative aspects of the military or an invasion. There could also be concerns over AI and how it is being implemented or creating dependencies. It may feel as if some form of prophecy is coming to pass. Asking for more information, I get these three cards (so there may be a feeling of surveillance, no where to hide, inability to unplug from the system, or governmental abuse of power):

October 2024 Reading 2

Pick Up Your Sword

Pick Up Your Sword

Collective Healing Message (Pick Up Your Sword): For thousands of years, the collective consciousness has been trapped within a parent-child archetype. The “parents” represent the powers that rule and dominate the world, providing rules to abide by, laws to follow, and infrastructures to rely on. The “children” represent society members who remain dependent upon these parental forces for sustenance and survival. There’s an exchange that goes on, one which the parental forces continue to care for and provide for their children as long as they agree to follow the rules. However, this leaves many “children” within this paradigm trapped and unable to grow or mature in a way that doesn’t ask them to compromise higher values that run at cross-purposes to established rules and norms.

Throughout history, there have also been factions of the public willing to mature to a teenage level of expression. These are the revolutionary individuals (whom the new-age identifies as indigo children[1] ) who are eager to break the mold and think outside the box. They are determined to rise out of a consciousness of passive conformity to try something different. If they can combine diplomacy and sensitivity with an energy of activism (in service to a higher cause), they can become the adult Shambhala Warriors[2]  of the world. These “adults” comprise the peacemakers who focus on creating freedom through passive resistance, self-sufficiency, and the willingness to experiment with alternative ways of living and being. They know the world’s problems will not be solved through being a servant to a dominant parental energy, but through finding their own power. They’re the hippies, vegetarians, off-gridders, and others who realize they can grow and mature beyond current ways of doing things, leaving their dependency on a patriarchal system behind. If this sounds like you, congratulations! This card offers you validation and support in your activism, inventiveness, and out-side-the-box endeavors. If this doesn’t sound like you, maybe it is time to question, why not?


[1] An indigo child (a term coined by Nancy Ann Tappe) is described as an individual who is born with an indigo-colored aura and tends to be psychic, strong-willed, and resistant to being control by parental paradigms and structures.
[2] Shambhala Warriors are a prophesied group of individuals who help heal, change, and transform the world. Learn more at http://www.awakin.org/read/view.php?tid=236


November Reading 2024
In November, it could be that grocery store shelves aren’t stocking as much food or it may be more difficult to afford or come by (or for certain groups). Or maybe food is being tampered with in a way people have concerns. There may be new technology or innovation or things are being modernized in some form. People may be gardening or learning to grow their own food.

Collective Healing Message (Tea of Transformation Reversed): This card’s advice is to increase your vitality by developing a closer relationship with nature. What better way can you enhance your life force than by strengthening your connection with what is vitally alive? If looking for ways to develop a closer connection to nature, you don’t have to look hard. Perhaps you could start an outdoor garden or bring some of nature’s plants and flowers into your home. You can also make it your intention to include more live foods in your diet, giving thanks for the life energy they impart.

It’s easy to give predominance to what’s artificial, lifeless, and unnatural in our technological world. However, it’s essential to regularly plug into what has life (and what gives life) as a way to both heal the body and restore our connection with the natural world. If you abide by the Law of Attraction, you understand that whatever you give your focus will manifest and grow. So, why not focus on the life-ful a little more? You’ll not only manifest more vitality for yourself but can help nurture life in the world.


Reading for December 2024
In December, it looks like there is some change or energies that need to be processed. There might be clean up after a literal or metaphorical fire. There could be an issue when it comes to housing, homelessness, or an evacuation. Or perhaps camps are set up to deal with a crisis or situation.

Collective Healing Message (Cleansing reversed): You’re encouraged to cleanse the toxic and unessential from your life through practicing simplicity and moderation. You can achieve this goal by embracing the philosophy of “less is more,” learning to prioritize your needs over your wants. On a mental and emotional level, you can simplify and reduce clutter by withdrawing from thought patterns, situations, or relationships that create excessive attachment, drama, obsession, or overwhelm.

Following this card’s message doesn’t mean you have to live an ascetic existence, free from all attachments. Instead, it encourages you to become more economical in your thinking and consumer habits, learning not to overindulge or fall into extremes. You could even find that committing to this type of lifestyle increases your sense of lightness and vitality, helping to lighten Mother Nature’s burden simultaneously.